Northeast Comanche Tribe, Inc

Document Links

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 Comanche Doc Library     Fly-in schedule      Nor'Easters      Disclaimer    Donatiions
Document Links:

(to Nor'Easter Newsletter files )   

NE fly-in reports Photos
   2010 at Nantucket Ma (pdf)    Photos of past fly-ins  (htm)
   2013 at Nantucket Ma (pdf)    NYC Hudson Corridor  (ppt)
   Danielson CT 2013 CPTP Clinic report (pdf)    Flying the NYC Hudson Corridor (htm)
   How to plan a fly-in  Nov 09 (htm)  
   Alex Zawaski Honor Flight '19 (pdf) Baltimore 2012 ICS Convention
   N89 Gear Maintenance Seminar '15 (pdf)    Baltimore Convention report (pdf)
   N40 Sky Manor Maintenance Seminar '16 (pdf)    Seminars & Vendors photos (ppt)
     Fri Banquet & Gen Mtg photos (ppt)
Member Business    Airport Day & Flagship photos (ppt)
   NeCT Election Process (pdf)    Pilot Companion presentation (htm)
   Role of Officers (htm)   
   Application for Election as Officer (htm) FAA Basic Medical forms April '17 (pdf)
   Feb 2018 Letter from Officers (pdf) Step-by-step Canada border crossing guide '17 (pdf)
   Mar 2019 Letter to NeCT Tribe (pdf) Comanche Mini-Clinics 2018 (pdf)
   Mar 2019 to ICS: Cease and Desist letter (pdf) Oswego NY Airport Day Fly-In Aug '18 (pdf)
  M.Dickinson - Cross USA Delivery (pdf)
   Story -Hostile Passengers! (pdf)
Tailhorn Removal and Inspection steps (pdf) CJ - Landing Gear Assembly Problems (pdf)
FAA: ADS-B Test Flight directions FAA - ICAO Flight Plan Filing instructions (pdf)
 Comanche Rigging Adjustment Tool (pdf) Sach's - Tail Tale '19 (pdf)
Hank Spellman "Rolled by a Master" (pdf) Morse - Long Skid Home Sept '19 (pdf)
"Documents" on ICSNETribe website (pdf) Morse - My Comanche Love Affair  (pdf)
The Piper Comanche Story (ICS pdf)  
Where Have All the Comanches Gone? (pdf) Comanche Tips
Piper Magazine - Horsepower or Economy - KWinter (pdf)   Degrees Offset by Hand Measure '16 (pdf)
2020   Comanche Town seminar listing (pdf)   Estimating Crosswind Component (pdf)
FAA Ease Med Cert Expiration AOPA (pfd)    P.Morse- Homemade Throttle Lock (pdf)

Hans Neubert "1000-HR Gear Inspection CD" order form

  M.Taylor- Comanche Abnormal Gear Ops (pdf)

1000-hr Gear Inspection AD Go/NoGo tool kit

   CJ Landing Gear Assembly Problems (pdf)
-> access to    Michael Goulian's Top 10 Tips (pdf)
NeCT membership application    CJ Landing Gear Assembly Problems (pdf)
     Garmin Signal Interference Test Specs
     Engine Ops- Running Over Square (pdf)

hosted by Quiet Corner Bands


 Last updated  06/16/24