2024 ComancheZOOM schedule

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The Comanche group, in cooperation with Comanche Town, the Delphi Airworthy Comanche Forum and the
Comanche Facebook group, holds weekly Zoom workshops on various topics related to the Comanche aircraft. They are currently scheduled for Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM Eastern time, with an approximately 1-hour presentation beginning at 7:30. There will be time following the presentation for questions and comments, along with time to just socialize. All Zoom sessions are recorded for later viewing (see link below). Future topics, listed below, may be shuffled pending presenter availability.

Each week a link to the current Zoom Workshop will be sent to the our extensive email list, and also posted on Facebook and the Delphi Forum. If you have questions or ideas for other Zoom topics please contact one of the group officers.

Jump to:  all ComancheZOOM recordings
plus short Zoom videos and tips
ComancheZOOM  Registration form 
(** required for available WINGS credit)
Listing of Future ComancheZOOM Topics
Date    Topic or Title   (** FAA WINGS credit available, registration required)
Oct 24 Topic to be announced
Oct 17 Main Gear Spring replacement
Oct 10 Nose Gear Spring replacement
tba Comanche Tailhorn AD update - funding
tba PA-400 Ozark fly-in review
tba I-Fly group buy offer
tba ForeFlight - new technologies
tba Older Pilots staying sharp - Stephan Kovacs, MD + panel
tba Decision Making Under Stress - Eric Schwartz
tba Special Use Airspace - the Hudson VFR Corridor
tba Special Use Airspace - Washington DC
tba Human Factors stories #2 - Robert Lenert
tba The impossible turn - George Merriam
tba Short Field Operations
tba Weather
tba Buying (or selling) an aircraft from a foreign country.
tba What is "preventive maintenance" and what is required when doing it.
tba Major Alterations definitions, data requirements, record requirements
tba Reading Performance Charts  and applying them to real world flying
tba Developing an effective checklist that you will actually use
tba Comanche fuel systems and fuel management
tba What to expect in your Annual Inspection
tba Lessons from an experienced A&P.  - Put Putnam
tba Wings & FAA Acronyms (FSDO, MIDO, etc) - Robert Ticknor
tba AME #2: Tips and Tricks for Older Pilots
tba Analysis of Accidents
tba Aux tank 337 for early PA24-250
tba Landing in Tight Situations
tba Weather Skew-T intro: the basics step by step
tba Why Students Fail Check Rides
tba IFR Ops and the FARs (currency, equipment, etc.)
tba Preflight Your Comanche: twins & singles
tba Structural issues with Single or Twin Comanches
tba Comanche Hard-to-find Parts
tba Comanche Ops and Maintenance
tba Comanche stories
tba Dynon panel upgrade
tba Getting your engine to high TBO
tba Insurance Cost Reduction approaches
tba Part 43: Maintenance By You - what and how to log It
tba Parts projects update
tba Pre-Buy Inspections -
tba Prop Balancing
tba Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses
tba Trio ProPilot - how it happened and by whom
tba �What else to replace when you replace your engine"



hosted by Quiet Corner Bands


 Last updated  10/19/24