Northeast Comanche Tribe, Inc

Officer's Roles

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Below are the duties for each office of the Northeast Comanche Tribe. It goes without saying that all Northeast members need to be willing to step in as needed for the group's interest. The leadership continues to work closely as a group, with frequent sharing of communications. Election of officers are conducted each year, typically concluding at an August fly-in.

Elected Officers :



         Provide Northeast Tribe leadership

         Provide �From the Chief� text for quarterly "Nor'Easter" newsletter publication

         Ex officio member of all Northeast Comanche committees


Vice President

         Assume control in the President's absence

         Provide leadership role in some Tribe activities

         Usually serve as President in training



         Maintain Tribe email list

         Distribute group communications in a timely fashion as needed

         Maintain copies (files) of Tribe documents

         Serve as an alternate signature on Tribe checkbook



         Maintain Northeast Tribe financial records

         Deposit / disperse Tribe monies in a timely fashion

         Update officers on Tribe finances regularly

         Provide financial information to IRS as required from time to time

Appointed Positions :


Fly-In Coordinator

         Provide schedule of fly-ins for ensuing year (with help)

         Encourage/ assist members in hosting fly-ins

         Coordinate details with each host or destination prior to fly-in

         Communicate any fly-in special details through "Nor'Easter" or email notices


Tribe Webmaster

         Maintain NeCT's website as hosted on

         Update web information, such as:

o        Officer contact information

o        Yearly fly-in schedule and descriptions

o        Archive copies of the �Nor�Easter Tribe newsletter

o        Provide feedback from time to time on forms such as Election Ballots

o        Post any other information of interest to the group


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 Last updated  06/16/24